La Maison De La Petite Sara S.r.l.
Via Orazio Olivieri, 6 - Dogana - (Repubblica di San Marino)
C.o.E. 27191Iscritto al Registro e-commerce al nr. 506 del 02/10/2017
Entered in the e-commerce register under no. 506 on 02/10/2017
pursuant to law no. 58 of 29 May 2013
The company is registered in the Register of Non-Financial Entities pursuant to Article 19 of Law no. 92 dated June 17, 2008 and is subject to the supervision of the Financial Information Agency.
Sales and/or purchase transactions, including fractional amounts greater than €9.999,99, are subject to the obligation of adequate customer verification pursuant to Article 21 of the aforementioned law.
I received the painting and I am very satisfied. Thank you.
I have received the chinese sculpture on time and I believe that the negotiation has been very correct and carried out with mutual satisfaction.
Seriousness and competence; great quality of the articles, which are proposed with beautiful photographs, detailed descriptions, certificate of authenticity and sent professionally. I recommend it to anyone who is a serious fan of art and collectibles.
I've made two orders from La Maison De La Petite Sara, and I am happy with my purchases from this shop.
Sara responded to all my inquiries in a timely manner, and I received all my orders well-packaged and without damage.
My orders also arrived very quick.
Grazie and Best Wishes to your Shop Sara!
Fast shipping, everything is ok.